Pub. 5 2020 Issue 1

14 Effective Follow Up Strategies By Elaine M. Simpson E ffective follow up is the key to turning prospects into happy residents. Incorporate our list of best practices into your business strategy for great results. Always be polite! Watch your tone and language. Be friendly and kind. Choose the words you use with a potential client carefully. Your words have an impact and could be inter- preted differently than you intended. Choose language that is business appropriate and keep judgmental comments to yourself as to not offend. Encourage positive interactions. A positive attitude and a smile will take you far and remember to thank them for taking the time to talk to you. You can never show too much appreciation. Ask each prospect how they wish to be contacted. Not everyone is the same. Di erent prospects have di er- ent needs. If a person contacted you by email, they might feel most com- fortable communicating through this format. Same theory stands for phone calls and making a follow-up call may be best. Someone else may prefer tex- ting, and if you insist on calling, they might not answer. In your rst encoun- ter, during a tour and even in the ap- plication process, don’t be afraid to ask how they prefer to carry out communi- cation. is simple act can have a huge impact on how your prospects view your ability to consider their needs. Make it timely. Don’t wait too long to follow up. Make your follow-up contact at the start of the very next day. Give them a little time to think about their experience, but 24 hours is just enough time to think without forgetting. Don’t make them wait. This theory also applies to your exist- ing residents who may have requested a repair or upgrade or wish to discuss something else with you. It’s just good customer service. Make it personal. Whether you are following up via email, text or phone call, making it personal can really make the right impression. Include details you noted during the tour about their specific needs and desires in your follow up communications. For example, did they have a dog? Mention the pet’s name and ask if the pet might enjoy a visit to the dog park on-site. Utilize a Contact Management Sys- tem. A contact management system with email addresses, notes, phone numbers, and records of previous calls will allow you to keep all of your important information in one place. There are also a few great browser extensions and apps that help you see when people have opened your emails. You will have a better idea of how to take action when you can see if and when your emails were opened. To learn more about this topic and other business best practices, contact Occupancy Solutions today.