Pub. 4 2019 Issue 1
4 Committee Chatter Events Committee: Thanks to the 265 people that attended the Annual Holiday Party and Nutmeg Awards Dinner on December 5th at Bill Millers Castle in Branford. We had 22 award categories this year. Once again, we held a food drive to benefit the CT Food Bank. $1,645 was collected and over 800 lbs. of food! Thanks to our overall CTAA sponsors – Maineline Graphics and Frontier Com- munications and to our signature glass sponsor – RentPath. Dinner sponsors included Bouvier Insurance, American Integrity Restoration, and Continental Properties. Appetizer sponsors in- cluded Paredim Communities, United Cleaning & Restoration and Reficio. Our photo booth was sponsored by Our 2019 schedule will be up shortly! Education Committee: Check out our bi-weekly Webinar Wednesdays, in conjunction with Multifamily Insiders. With this partnership, CTAA brings you national speakers, 1-hour capsule learning from the comfort of your own office. Don’t forget there is a $5 dis- count for CTAA members. Save the Date for our Annual Fair Hous- ing Training taking place April 30th at the Courtyard by Marriott in Cromwell. Government Relations Committee: GRC has been meeting bi-weekly and is ready for the Legislative Session. Watch your email for our educational alerts on our issues, including Fair Housing, CHRO, service animals and more. Tradeshow Committee: Get ready for Trade Show 2019! Taking place March 21-22 at the Fox Tower at Foxwoods, this show promises to be bigger and better than ever! Nation- ally renowned speakers, education for maintenance, managers and owners, our new roaring twenties preshow party, and great networking opportu- nities abound! Get your team ready for Maintenance Mania to be held in conjunction with the Trade Show. Online registration will be open short- ly! There will be plenty of sponsorship opportunities available as well. Save the Date! Membership: CTAA continues to grow by units, management companies, properties and business partner mem- berships. We appreciate your continued support. New member orientations and member refreshes will be held through- out the year so you continue to get the most out of your CTAA membership. Know someone who would benefit as a member? Give the CTAA office a call and let us know! Public Relations Committee: PRC continues to promote events CTAA is holding on all our social media outlets. Have you liked us on Facebook? Con- nected with us Instagram? # tagged us on Twitter? Find all the latest informa- tion and events online. The Charitable Giving subcommittee continues to build its relationship with our anchor charity, the American Red Cross, as well as local charities that will benefit from our organization. Watch your email for an opportunity to participate in the Annual Sound the Alarm campaign. Thank you to all our committee chairs and members that volunteer their time and effort for the CTAA. Thank you to the companies for allowing your employees to participate. Question? Comments? Want to get involved? Email Jessica Olander, Exec- utive Director at .
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