Pub. 3 2018 Issue 6

20 O perations teams are finding value in texting residents rather than “hoping” they read an email. Wise communicators and marketers are finding that the best way to reach their audiences is by delivering their mes- sages through the recipient’s preferred channel. Text messaging’s explosion in popularity has many apartment operators reconsid- ering how they should best connect with their residents and prospective residents. “Residents are VERY vocal and specific about which type of information they want to receive via which communica- tion channel,” says Kortney Balas, Vice President of Technology and Business Process, JVM Realty. “You really have to listen to the customer and customize the experience, accordingly. The last thing you want them to do is to start tuning out your communications—no matter what type of information is sent.” Kristen Mete Kingi, Marketing Direc- tor for the West at LMC, says about 50 percent of her residents indicated that texting was their preferred communica- tions channel. “Texting is the main source of com- munication for us and we find most residents and prospects to be very text-friendly,” Kingi says. Ian Mattingly, President, LumaCorp, says, “Text-messaging is one of many methods we use to communicate with prospects and residents. We believe that it’s important to put the other party in control of how they prefer to receive both marketing and informational mes- saging, both to ensure satisfaction, and to avoid legal risk.” Mattingly says at most of his commu- nities, the vast majority of residents are between 19 and 35 years, a group for whom text messaging “is far-and-away the most preferred method of commu- nication.” Pain Points The increase in texting as a communi- cation tool has both helped and hurt operations, industry professionals say. “Once residents have your cell phone number they expect immediate re- sponses after-hours and/or during non-business hours,” Balas says. “On the plus side, in regard to efficiency, residents are generally more likely to respond via text.” Balas says her teams had been asking for the ability to text residents for sev- eral years, so it’s been a “win” for JVM Realty. “The nice thing is that because we use our resident portal to text through, we did not have to delve into device man- agement and data, which could create a whole other potential headache,” Balas says. “The only complaint I tend to get from staff is that the more channels that you have open, the more informa- tion that flies at you. So, team members have to be on their toes to keep up with an increase in messaging.” The Opt-In The Federal Communications Com- mission (FCC) restricts what type of communication can be sent via text and requires the recipient to “opt-in.” Per Why You Need to Text Your Residents Paul R. Bergeron