Pub. 3 2018 Issue 3

17 ISSUE 3 2018 SOP (SPONSORSHIP OPPORTUNITIES PROGRAM) COMMITMENT FORM $5,000 qualifies you for the PLATINUM Sponsorship level $2,500 qualifies you for the GOLD Sponsorship level $1,500 qualifies you for the SILVER sponsorship level C OMPANY : _____________________________________________________________ A DDRESS : _____________________________________________________________ C ITY : ____________________________________S TATE : _____________ Z IP : _____________ P HONE : __________________________ E MAIL : ______________________________________ P AYMENT O PTIONS  I will be making full payment in the amount of $___________ by February 15, 2018 in order to take advantage of the membership discount.  I would like to use my credit card. Please process payment between January 1, 2018 and February 15, 2018 in the amount of $___________.  I wish to participate in the payment plan and will call Jessica Olander from CTAA to make payment arrangements. I realize that I will not qualify for the discount if I choose this option.  I DO NOT wish to participate in the SOP program but would like to sponsor some events and programs. I realize that I will not qualify for the membership discount or payment plan if I choose this option. I also realize each sponsorship I choose must be paid in full at least one month prior to the event or program. Type of Card: _____American Express _____VISA _____Master Card Name of card: ________________________________ Expiration Date: ______________ Card Number: ____________________________________________________________ Signature: _______________________________________________________________ C OMPLETED FORM CAN BE FAXED , MAILED OR EMAILED TO : CTAA 701 H EBRON A VE . 3 RD F LOOR G LASTONBURY , CT 06033 P HONE : 860-722-9922 F AX : 860-541-6484 E MAIL : JESSICA @CTAAHQ. ORG