Pub. 1 2016 Issue 4
19 ISSUE 4 2016 䌀吀䄀䄀 吀䠀䔀䌀伀一一䔀䌀吀䤀䌀唀吀䄀倀䄀刀吀䴀䔀一吀䄀匀匀伀䌀䤀䄀吀䤀伀一 F ounded in 2008, Trio Properties, LLC, is a hands-on management rm with over 3,000 apartments within their current portfolio. e group of innovative property management vet- erans combines 30 years of experience managing and improving over 75,000 apartment units, and 1 million square feet of commercial facili- ties. Trio’s expertise is large scale, mul- tifamily apartment communit ies that benef it from a na- tional platform and an integrated busi- ness model. e team successfully oversees stabilized assets, repositioning plans, lease-ups, and provides consultation and management services for the new devel- opment and construction of multifamily assets. is proven success has led Trio Properties to being awarded the CTAA’s Management Company of the year in 2014 and again in 2015. In addition to being awarded the top management rm in Connecticut, Trio also devotes signi cant time in reaching out into the local communities phil- anthropically. Recently, in 2015 Trio Properties’ Executive Vice President and Partner, Jeremy Browning, completed his rst Pan-Mass Challenge with all proceeds bene tting the Jimmy Fund and the Dana-Faber Cancer Institute. Both organizations have proven a continuous and tireless commitment to nding a cure for cancer and helping those touched by the devastating illness. is year in early Au- gust, Jeremy completed his second Pan-Mass Challenge involving a grueling two day, 192 mile trek through eastern Massachusetts starting in Sturbridge and ending in Provinc- etown. With the help of Trio employees, business associates, family, and friends, Jeremy shattered this year’s annual goal of $5,000 and has raised over $7,800 to support this continued commitment to cancer research. Trio Properties, LLC is also proud to par- take in a number of other philanthropic events throughout the year as an orga- nization as well as on the site level. e apartment communities managed by Trio participate in fundraisers to bene t local Toys for Tots chapters during the holiday season, Habitat for Humanity, United Way, and much more. One of Trio’s Hart- ford assets, Capitol View Apartments, holds an annual drive to collect gently used shoes for ShoeBox Recycling, which then takes the old shoes and recycles them by matching the former shoe owner with a new “sole mate.” is past December, as an organization, Trio employees supported the Soldier Care Project. This charity sends care packages to local service members and their families. e goal of this project is to create a local network of support for those that sacri ce so much for our country, community, and ultimately our freedom. is past year Trio was able to collect several hundred personal care items during their annual holiday party to be sent out to local service members during the holidays. Philanthropy and charitable community outreach are one of the core values that set Trio Properties apart from other man- agement companies within Connecticut. Trio takes pride in its commitment to help others and support valuable charities and research organizations that make a di erence in the very communities where their employees live, work, and play all year long. TRIO PROPERTIES FOCUSES ON GIVING BACK
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