Pub. 1 2016 Issue 3
5 ISSUE 3 2016 䌀吀䄀䄀 吀䠀䔀䌀伀一一䔀䌀吀䤀䌀唀吀䄀倀䄀刀吀䴀䔀一吀䄀匀匀伀䌀䤀䄀吀䤀伀一 WELCOME SPRING! WELCOME NEW CTAA MEMBERS CTAA COMMITTEES Business Partners All Waste, Inc. Digital Media Integrity Merchant Solutions Management Companies Trinity Management Communities Trinity New Haven I Trinity New Haven II Trinity New Haven III H ello everyone! We have a new President, and it is NOT Donald or Hillary! I am pleased to announce Andrew Lund, Executive PropertyManager of Winn Residential as the CTAA President for 2016-2018. Andrew has served on the CTAA Board for several years, most recently as Presi- dent-Elect and Treasurer. Learn more about your Association President, and the rest of the CTAA Leadership in this issue. March and April were two of the busiest months CTAA has had! We held 5 educational sessions, including NALP and Fair Housing, hosted a very well-attended Happy Hour in Norwich, had our Annual Meeting and Installation of O cers, partici- pated in the nationwide second Annual Apartment Day, held our rst Lobby Day at the Capitol and of course - Maintenance Mania. Several of us also traveled toWashington DC to attend NAA’s CapCon. Whew! As I’ve said before, CTAA o ers something for EVERYONE! May and June will be just as busy, with our Active Shooter Seminar, and back by demand, Erica Campbell Byrum of ForRent Media Solutions presenting De ning 2016: Social Media & Digital Trends in Multifamily. You do not want to miss this session. We also have our Family Fun Day June 5 at Lake Compounce and our Reverse Tradeshow in July. A full calendar is included in this issue. Enjoy your CT Apartment Focus ! Sincerely, Jessica Olander Executive Director CT Apartment Association Education Committee Chairman: Cindy Harrison, CORT Legislative Committee Chairman: Robert Chesson, Esq. Landlord Law Firm Events Committee Chairman: Brenda Sandoval, Avalon Bay Communities Membership Committee Chairman: Jessica Doll, Winn Residential Communications and Social Media Committee: Chairman: Morgan Miller, Trio Properties, LLC Tradeshow Committee Andrew Harrison, For Rent Media Solutions
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