Pub. 1 2016 Issue 2
7 ISSUE 2 2016 One of our favorite events - Maintenance Mania - will be held April 28 at Belfor. All the usual competitions will be held, includ- ing the car race derby and new for 2016, prizes will be awarded to the teams with the best uniforms, best team spirit and best sign encouraging their team participants. Keep in mind that nominations for the Nutmeg Awards will be open in July! FAIRFIELD COUNTY COUNCIL Members: Cheryl Desmond, Continental Properties; Bill Jackson, Belfor; Paige Kousidis, AFR; Jim Mas, CORT is council has been up and running since 2015, serving the needs of the CTAA members in Fair eld County. is past year has seen an increase in members from this region, and CTAA has made an e ort to bring CTAA education, events, and advocacy to this area. Join us for the LIVESTREAM of the Annual Meeting on March 30 in Darien. Are you a community or industry service provider in Fair eld County? Let us know how we’re doing! LEGISLATIVE COMMITTEE CTAA Lobbyist: John Bailey Members: Penny Bacchiocci, Winn Residential; Robert Chesson, Landlord Law Firm; Je Ferony, Trio Properties; Daniel Lax, KDX Group; Carrie Rowley, Trio Properties e CTAA Legislative Committee has been working hard to swing the pendulum back to the landlord side, while keeping residents’ rights in tact. Although this is a short session (Feb - May) we have been tracking bills that a ect such things as security deposits, the budget, re extinguishers, carbon monoxide detectors, minimum workweek for building maintenance workers, and essential services performed by landlords to name a few. We have submitted testimony at several public hearings and will continue to do so throughout the session. MEMBERSHIP COMMITTEE Chair: Jessica Doll, Winn Residential, Huntington Woods Members: Michelle Brinton, ; Jim Brooks, ARS; Tammy Clark, CORE Communications; John McTighe, Strategic Information Resources, Inc.; Nick Kaszi, Occupant Shield; Steve Weir, American Integrity Restoration. CTAA is in the middle of a membership drive, recruiting com- munities and industry service providers to the CTAA. At the end of each month, prizes are handed out to the winning teams. An overall prize will be given to the team with the most points at the Annual Apartment Day on april 5th at the Glastonbury location. Know a company that would bene t from reduced rates for educa- tion sessions and events? e Click and Lease program? Discounts from CTAA industry service provider members? Let us know! Reach your target audience a ordably. advertise get results MICKY CASPER Advertising Sales 855.747.4003
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