Pub. 1 2016 Issue 2
5 ISSUE 2 2016 䌀吀䄀䄀 吀䠀䔀䌀伀一一䔀䌀吀䤀䌀唀吀䄀倀䄀刀吀䴀䔀一吀䄀匀匀伀䌀䤀䄀吀䤀伀一 WINTER HAS BEEN A BUSY TIME! WELCOME NEW CTAA MEMBERS What a winter - I don’t think Mother Nature knew if she was coming or going! is has kept everyone on their toes, and all of us looking forward to Spring. We at CTAA have been extremely busy setting up education programs all over the state, recruiting new members, advocating on behalf our members both at the CT State Legislature and in Washington DC, as well as scheduling some down time to socialize at our upcoming Happy Hours. Check out our page of committee updates in this issue, and our website calendar for a complete listing of events. I am proud to announce that our Annual Meeting will be held in two locations! March 30 will feature our Annual Meet- ing and installation of the Board of Directors in Wallingford, with a LIVESTREAM to Darien. e morning program also includes guest speaker, Peter Gioia of e CT Business and Ind- sutries Association (CBIA) to discuss the economy and its e ect on the apartment industry and Dan Jaskot of EMPOWER for an attendee engagement session. ere is no cost to attend and both locations will be serving breakfast. We look forward to seeing you. As always, if you have any questions, comments or concerns, please let me know. Enjoy your Apartment Focus ! Sincerely, Jessica Olander Executive Director CT Apartment Association Business Partners Servpro of Bloom eld/En eld Toofer Ferraris Insurance Group Management Companies Landings Real Estate Group Legendary Management Communities Park Place West Oakwood West Bradley Court Faire Harbour
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